In today's captivating live session by Shubham Londhe, we took a peak into the foundational aspects of Kubernetes, a powerful container orchestration platform. Our learning journey encompassed critical concepts like autoscaling, auto healing, and the intricate architecture that forms the backbone of Kubernetes. Let's take a brief journey through these topics and unravel the core ideas behind them.
Empowering Container Orchestration: Kubernetes, often abbreviated as K8s developed by Google, is an open-source container orchestration platform that facilitates the management and deployment of containerized applications at scale. It offers a comprehensive framework for automating application deployment, scaling, and management.
Key features of Kubernetes
Container Orchestration: Kubernetes automates deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications, streamlining operations.
Automated Scaling: It dynamically adjusts the number of pods based on workload, ensuring optimal resource utilization and performance.
Self-Healing: Kubernetes detects failures and automatically replaces or reschedules pods and nodes, enhancing application reliability.
Service Discovery & Load Balancing: It simplifies service discovery and evenly distributes traffic to maintain high availability and efficient load management.
Kubernetes Architecture
Mastering the Components: The architecture of Kubernetes is structured to provide a scalable and reliable platform for managing containerized applications. The master node and worker nodes collaborate to maintain the desired application state. Key components include:
Master Node:
API Server: Acts as the control center, exposing the Kubernetes API and processing incoming requests.
Controller Manager: Ensures the desired state of the system by managing controllers responsible for various tasks like replication, endpoints, and nodes.
Scheduler: Assigns pods to nodes based on resource availability and user-defined constraints.
etcd: A distributed key-value store that maintains configuration data and the current state of the entire cluster.
Worker Node:
Kubelet: Communicates with the API server, manages pods, and ensures they maintain the desired state.
Service Proxy (kube-proxy): Facilitates network communication either between Pods or from external clients to Pods. It helps in routing the network traffic appropriately.
Container Runtime: This is the software used to run containers. Docker is commonly used, but other runtimes like containerd can also be used.
Minikube Installation
Ubuntu OS (Xenial or later)
sudo privileges
Internet access
t2.medium instance type or higher in AWS EC2
- Installation: Open a terminal and run the following commands one by one, either on the local machine or on the EC2 instance:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install -y curl wget apt-transport-https
sudo apt install -y
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker
curl -LO
sudo install minikube-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube
Make Minikube executable: Modify permissions of minikube and move to the filepath:
chmod +x minikube
sudo mv minikube /usr/local/bin/
Kubectl Installation: Download Kubectl using the below link:
curl -LO "$(curl -L -s"
Make Kubectl executable: Modify permissions of Kubectl and move to the filepath:
chmod +x kubectl
sudo mv kubectl /usr/local/bin/
Start Minikube: Now, you can start Minikube with the following command:
minikube status
kubectl get nodes
Status: Check the cluster status with the below command:
minikube status
kubectl get nodes
Stop Minikube: When you are done, you can stop the Minikube cluster with:
minikube stop
Delete Cluster: If you wish to delete the Minikube cluster entirely, you can do so with:
minikube delete
Today's session provided a captivating introduction to Kubernetes, uncovering the fundamentals of autoscaling, auto-healing, and the underlying architecture. With Kubernetes at the helm, the world of container orchestration becomes a realm of automated efficiency, scalability, and resilience. As we continue on this learning journey, we're better equipped to harness the power of Kubernetes for deploying and managing applications in a dynamic and complex digital landscape.
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